Friday, June 8, 2012


Now, by the Grace of God  I'm done with school and have more time on my hands so I can start to take this blog seriously. I guess the purpose of this post is to basically give you guys an idea of what to expect from this blog. So I think and daydream a LOT. Why did this happen? What did I do to cause it? what can I do to make it better? And more importantly, what can I learn from it? I think about lots of issues happening in the world, especially Africa; why all these wars? I believe there’s a general cause but what is it? Bad leadership perhaps? Or could we also blame the attitudes of the people. (one example that comes to my mind is that of a particularly rich and so freaking potentially successful country that is unfortunately, QUITE  messed up and it’s sad because it should be nowhere near where it is right now). I think about my dear country Ghana too. We may not have as much mineral wealth and resources as some African countries but I want you guys to think about this for a second, under Kwame Nkrumah’s leadership, Ghana had the second highest per capita income in Africa, surpassed only by South Africa. That shows that its not only about what you have, but what you do with what you have and also supports the above hypothesis that bad leadership could be to blame for Africa's troubles. I think about everything being politicized in Ghana. Virtually everything is linked with the NPP and the NDC (or as Shasha Marley would say, boom-boom and waa-waa lol). Even though, I’m sympathetic to one particular party, I believe we should stop the blame game and take responsibility for our actions, and sometimes those of others, sitting around complaining won’t do JACK to change anything. I think about countries like Mexico too. Can the drug war be stopped? And to the more controversial question, should marijuana be legalized, because honestly, people have easy access to weed so really, what difference would it make?  I write poems as well. poetry serves as a form of release for me, helps me get out my feelings. Lots of my poems tend to be sad, but chale whatever man, (giving The Hand) I mean, I don’t feel what I’m writing how can I expect you to? I’m quite happy now so I’ll try to write more happy ones, currently working on (okay thinking about) a poem called smile J. I think about religion as well. I think about my faith, Christianity. Why the decline? Why don’t people believe or want to believe? Why the stereotype about Christians being boring nerds who have no life, what can be done to change it and make people more eager to give their lives to Christ? I think about Islam; I have nothing negative to say about the muslims in Ghana, but some of those outside aren’t exactly doing a great job of showing us that “muslims are peace loving peoples’ (I mean pardon me if I’m wrong but I don’t see how bombing and killing people promotes that ) . I don’t read the Qur’an so I actually don’t know what exactly is said about such violent acts. I believe (and want to believe I’m right) that those in Ghana have got it right.

A little bit about myself, I like to think I’m a nice person J. However, I suck at being fake so if I don’t like you or you irritate to me, I’m usually horrible at hiding it. I tend to worry a lot sometimes, really trying to stop. I think I’m just scared of making mistakes and regret.  I’m usually either really interested in something or I just can’t be bothered about it. I tend to be absent minded sometimes, usually when I’m not interested in what is going on, I just start to think about random things. I can’t stand being bored and sitting at one place and I hate, hate, hate monotony. I’m a little shy as well, another thing I’m trying to stop. I get self conscious sometimes so I like to be around people I feel comfortable with so most of my friends tend to be quite crazy, ESPECIALLY my male ones. Another thing I am different, I spent much of my life trying to be like everyone else, trying to fit in, but I’ve realized, that’s not what I was born to do, so I have learnt to accept, embrace my individuality. I hate getting into arguments with people, especially unnecessary ones so I try to stay away from people I feel I won’t get along with and I believe in being civil and mature about differences. If someone annoys you SAY it, but be nice about it because I’ve discovered that with lots of people, it’s how you say it that makes all the difference.  Most importantly, I am a Christian. I would be nowhere near where I am right now without God (for the sake of clarity, Jesus’ Father, I really don’t think that when we say god, we all refer to the same entity). I have been blessed beyond measure and I believe that with God, there’s nowhere left to go, but up. So I hope you like this blog, I’d really like to know what you think, please feel free to leave comments and as soon as I set up an e-mail, it shall be communicated to you so you can reach me personally.
Stay blessed all, and Enjoy your day J

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